Bird-X QB4 Ultrasonic Bird Repeller
The QB-4 emits powerful ultrasonic harassment sounds at a high frequency which is virtually inaudible to humans, but is very annoying to birds and rodents, although it will not harm them. The output sound frequency can be set to modulate between 22 and 30 kHz to create an environment the birds CAN’T GET USED TO.
There are 3 frequency settings: VARIED, ALTERNATE & STEADY.
VARIED – modulates frequency up and down at a rate controlled by the warble rate knob. During each cycle, the frequency modulates between 22 kHz and 30 kHz with peak sound pressure occurring at 22kHz.
ALTERNATE – alternates between varied mode and steady mode, each mode lasting 12 seconds.
STEADY – fixes sound output at a constant 22 kHz.
It is especially designed for mounting on the ceiling of large buildings and is for interior use only.
Ideal for:- Warehouses, Workshops, Hangars, Dairy Sheds, Stables, Machine Sheds, Storage Areas, Parking Structures, Sports facilities, Boathouses, …nearly anywhere.
- 4 built-in speakers emit high-frequency sounds
- Use indoors or in semi-enclosed spaces
- Low profile solution – easy to install
- Covers up 603 sq/m

Most trusted ultrasonic solution – this industry favourite is used worldwide, protecting facilities from damage and liability. Customers in the USA include Boeing, Ford, CocoCola, Fed-X, Defense Dept and American Airlines, and in New Zealand customers include FoodStuffs and Air New Zealand.
RRP $1485 + gst
and freight where applicable.